I'm still unsure of this as a beginning -- the first chapter always seems to be the hardest for me. Though I think it is "getting there." Any comments/helpful insights would be very welcomed :) I always love constructive feedback!
My father dropped the last bag with a huff and looked over the long winding sidewalk up to the main set of brownstones xxxxxxxxx. "Are you sure you don't want us to come in with you?"
I shook my
My mother
arched her eyebrow. She looked at the
measly two bags that I had packed.
"We could come back with more of your stuff, you know. It's not a far drive."
I shook my
head. I didn't want anything else. Everything that had been left at home was
there for a reason. The old jacket from
Ched, the worn out skirt that was too small that had been to one too many
parties... everything was a reminder of who I used to be. This was a fresh start, or it was supposed to
be. Though, I didn't know how much of a fresh
start I could get here.
My mother
wrapped her arms around me and held me in a hug for a little too long. I was used to this, after everything I had
put them through. I patted her on the
shoulder, attempting to let my thoughts cross into her head. It would be fine, I wanted to convince her.
My father
hugged me for just a moment before he pulled away and took a hesitant step toward the car. "We should at least bring your bags up,
kiddo. What if they start asking too
many questions?"
I held up
the pad of paper and tried to smile convincingly.