Author and friend, Brooke Johnson, has this lovely blog and asked me to do a guest post. I talk about the subtle side of YA sex, and also have an excerpt from one of my works in progress, A Good Criminal Heart. I know that I wrote it, but I still say that it provides some insight to how to write YA sex, especially if you are going for a subtle feel and don't want to be so overt.
I submitted my story to the contest on a blog - and I'm sad to say that I didn't make it in... again.
I've decided to change my way of thinking of rejection. Instead of a "no," I think of it as a "No from us." Which, in a way, is healthy, but I worry that it's impeding the growth of my piece.
The intro probably isn't as strong as it could be. I liked my old intro better, but a lot of people told me that it felt too promotional.
Which gives me the idea to incorporate the old intro into my query letter. Right?
I really need to work on my query letter and get it out there again. While this piece has received a few "No"s, it doesn't guarantee a no from everyone. Making runner-up is a "mostly yes," and I did receive a partial request once.
In conclusion: My piece is worth it. I need to start submitting to other places and stop getting so hung up on the "No." I need to stop expecting different results from the same people and circumstances (isn't that what they call insanity anyway?)
And as far as I can tell, I haven't gone insane (yet).
Friday, September 7, 2012
YA Sex and Other Things
how to improve your writing,
on rejection,
query letters,
writing contests,
ya sex
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Monthly Book Recommendations
Fae, Faerie, and magic - honestly, it's not my usual cup of tea, but LJ Cohen did a great job with characters here. Lydia doesn't like her stalker, in fact, she wishes he would just go away. But he isn't the strangest thing to happen in her life. Her fate has always been tied to the world of Fae, and she has to make hard choices in order to save her family.
You can purchase The Between from amazon. You can read my full review on examiner here.
Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
This is such a great coming-of-age story with zombies. I loved how even though the zombies are a big part of the piece, it was more about the humans and how they dealt with being in this world. Benny is growing up in a town where the people are more scary than the undead, and it's done almost flawlessly.
You can purchase Rot & Ruin from amazon. You can read my full review on examiner here.
I've read this whole series - The Hunted - and it's quite good. It's dark for YA, but done really well, and super action packed. If you prefer slower-paced novels, this series is not for you. They are always trying to get away from something, and things never quite seem to pane out for the best with Reid. Highly recommended for a fun, fast, and action-packed read.
You can purchase Run from amazon. You can read my full review on examiner here.
The re-telling of Cinderella... with steam punk and dystopian elements? Okay, I bit hard. I loved this book, absolutely adored it even though I was very well aware of how it was going to end. It was a quick read, fun, and who doesn't love fairy tales? Well, if you don't love fairy tales, this probably isn't the book for you - but I promise you, it's good. Well written too!
You can purchase Cinder from amazon. You can read my full review on examiner here.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Over the next month, I hope to finish the short story, get beta readers, line edits, and critiques back from people. By the end of the month, I hope to have the editing completely, with a perfectly polished (or to the best of my capability) piece in my hands.
Sometime in October, I want to publish it.
It's going to sit a little over 10k, or so I imagine with the number of words I have and how much of the plot I have yet to write. And I'm going to publish it for a small fee of .99. I figure I'll go by the standard of .99 for every 10k. It seems reasonable.
Now, I'm still seeking the traditional publishing route for the rest of my novels, and I still have to get them polished and send them out there into the world. This isn't a novel, and I feel like it will be a steal for .99, but we'll see how that goes.
Over the next two months, I hope to keep my blog updated with specifics about self-publishing. I understand the concepts, but I have yet to put them into practice.
And the lovely cover is above - and probably isn't changing (unless someone has some super awesome amazing idea that I haven't thought of yet).
Stay tuned for more information on "My Summer Vacation by Terrance Wade" by RADesilets (I know, it's a total mouthful).
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